12 June 2024

What are the best practices for designing RESTful APIs for microservices?

In the fast-paced world of modern web and mobile applications, microservices architecture has become a staple for organizations seeking improved scalability, agility, and maintainability. At the heart of microservices lies the RESTful API, a widely adopted standard for building scalable and efficient client-server communications. But how do you design a RESTful API that optimizes performance, […]

12 June 2024

What techniques can you use to optimize the performance of a GraphQL API?

In today's digital era, the demand for high-performing APIs is increasing. As developers, you are often faced with the challenge of making your APIs perform optimally. One technology that has gained considerable popularity in the API world is GraphQL. Many of you turn to it due to its flexibility and efficiency in handling data queries. […]

12 June 2024

How do you set up a machine learning pipeline using TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform?

In the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning (ML), setting up a robust and efficient training pipeline is crucial. Leveraging Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and TensorFlow can significantly streamline this process, allowing you to handle vast amounts of data and perform intensive model training. This article will guide you step-by-step through setting up a machine learning […]